Ongoing projects
“Ümumrespublika Yaşıllaşdırma” marafonu 5 noyabr 2014-cü il tarixində Heydər Əliyev Fondunun vitse-Prezidenti, IDEA İctimai Birliyinin təsisçisi və rəhbəri…
"Ağacların kəsilməsinə yox" proqramı Heydər Əliyev fondu və IDEA İctimai Birliyi ilə birlikdə həyata keçirilməkdədir.

International Camp of Young Environmentalists in Gabala


More than 80 environmentalists from 35 countries participated in the International Camp of Young Environmentalists, held in Gabala, Azerbaijan.

Descrtiption & Concept



In November of 2011, more than 80 environmentalists from 35 countries participated in the International Camp of Young Environmentalists, held in Gabala, Azerbaijan. The Youth Camp which was held for three days included an opening ceremony and three different workshops.


Participants adopted Gabala Declaration, calling on people around the world to take personal responsibility for ecological problems and urging to bring environmental action and thinking into their daily lives.


The main objectives of this camp were to promote active participation of the young environmentalists in public life in the region, to reinforce the role of young environmentalists in their own communities and encourage them to become ambassador for local environmental awareness, and to nurture communities through an open dialogue, while ensuring the emergence of a new generation of independent young experts in the field of environmental studies.

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