10 Sentyabr 2020

"Bizim həyət" – Khatai district, Vung Tau street

Initiated by Vice-President of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation and IDEA founder Leyla Aliyeva, "Bizim həyət" project successfully continues to renovate and improve old parks in Baku.


Improvement of another residential park has brought joy to the 2600 residents dwelling at Vung Tau street 12, 16, 18, 18a (Khatai district).


"Bizim həyət" project aims to upgrade parks that need restoration, increasing areas of greeneries, promoting social fitness and creating more comfortable living environments for the residents of Baku.


Featuring various workout facilities, football field, outdoor chess board and children's playground installed, the new park provides comfort to everyone, including people with disabilities, and enables all ages, especially young people, to engage in physical activity.


Additionally, 3 gazebos, numerous benches and waste bins were placed in the area.


At the request of the residents, new outdoor lighting and security cameras were installed, as well as building façades, roofs and entrance areas were also renovated. Along with the restoration of the existing greenery in the yard, 50 trees and bushes were planted and 1800 square meter lawn was laid.


Following the COVID-19 safety guidelines, disinfection activities were carried out, as well as sanitizer dispensers and information boards related to coronavirus were put up in the park.


The project is planned to cover all districts of Baku. Suggestions and requests on the parks that need a renovation like this can be sent to IDEA.

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