Ongoing projects
“Ümumrespublika Yaşıllaşdırma” marafonu 5 noyabr 2014-cü il tarixində Heydər Əliyev Fondunun vitse-Prezidenti, IDEA İctimai Birliyinin təsisçisi və rəhbəri…
"Ağacların kəsilməsinə yox" proqramı Heydər Əliyev fondu və IDEA İctimai Birliyi ilə birlikdə həyata keçirilməkdədir.

“Let’s Protect the Environment Together” ecological training program


IDEA Public Union and the Ecological Education and Practice Center under the Ministry of Education started their joint ecological training program “Let’s Protect the Environment Together”.

Descrtiption & Concept

The project aimed to increasing environmental awareness and involving children in the solution of environmental problems from an early-age.

The threat of climate change and global warming, which became ever more serious in the recent times, has necessitated everyone’s involvement in the issue of environmental protection. Indeed, ecological problems know no boundaries and no country is safe from the consequences of climate change. According to leading international experts, environmental awareness-raising is crucial in mitigating the adverse effects of and adaptation to climate change. Thus, it is particularly important that environmental training programs also cover the younger age groups.


In this regard,IDEA Public Union, which has regularly been conducting both professional and amateur-level projects for many years, and the Ecological Education and Practice Center under the Ministry of Education, have launched an ecological training program titled “Let’s Protect the Environment Together”. The aim of the program is to nurture caring attitudes towards nature among the younger generations, further increase ecological awareness and involve the youth in solving environmental problems.


The ecological training program covers “Eco-club” members at secondary schools of Baku. It should be noted that, from September of 2015, the Ecological Education and Practice Center under the Ministry of Education began the process of establishing eco-clubs at secondary schools. Currently, there are eco-clubs at 25 schools in Baku and the network of such eco-clubs is to be further expanded in the future.


In the framework of “Let’s Protect the Environment Together” training program jointly carried out by IDEA Public Union and the Ministry of Education, monthly training sessions for schoolchildren will be held on such topics as basics of ecology, the ecology of plants and animals, human ecology, urban ecology and future cities, climate change, alternative energy, waste management, biodiversity and its conservation, forest ecology, green tourism, etc.


Information on trainings to be held within “Let’s Protect the Environment Together” program available through mass media and IDEA Public Union’s online resources.

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