Protected area
Protected area are natural complexes and objects of special ecological, scientific, cultural, aesthetic, and recreational value, where rare and endangered species of plants and animals are distributed, partially or completely withdrawn from economic use due to the risk of logging. These areas include land plots, aquatic (aquatorial) zones, and the atmospheric space above them.
In the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan, depending on the purpose, mode of protection, and characteristics of use, SPNAs are divided into the following types:
- State nature reserves, including biosphere reserves;
- National parks;
- Nature reserves;
- Ecological parks;
- State prohibited natural zones;
- Natural monuments;
- Zoos;
- Botanical gardens and dendrological parks;
- Treatment facilities and sanatoriums;
- Geological parks.
The creation of protected areas in Azerbaijan can be divided into three stages: Stage I - the creation of the first specially protected natural area (Eldar Sham Botanical Reserve - 1910), Stage II - the creation of reserves and prohibited zones (in 1925-1936, reserves of Geigel, Gyzylagach, Zakatala, Hirkan, in 1958-1993 prohibited zones Tyuranchay, Shirvan, Aggol, Pirgulu, Ismayilli, Ilisu, Garagol), Stage III - the creation of the first national parks in 2003.
Currently, Azerbaijan has 893 thousand hectares of protected natural areas. Among them are 10 national parks, 10 state nature reserves, and 24 prohibited natural zones. In total, protected natural areas constitute 10.31% of the country's territory, including national parks - 4.87%, state nature reserves - 1.39%, and prohibited natural zones - 4.05%.

In September 2018, a new national park, Ghizil-Agaj State Reserve, was created on the coast of the Caspian Sea based on the State Natural Reserve of Ghizil-Agaj, with an area of 99,060 hectares. Currently, the priority is to begin work on creating a new "Zakatala-Balaken Biological Reserve" to create new specially protected natural areas or change their status taking into account the socio-economic development of the regions and the well-being of their population. As a result of the project, the Zakatala-Balaken region will have the country's first biosphere reserve in history. According to agreements on financing and a special agreement between the governments of Azerbaijan and Germany on the project "Support Program for Protected Areas of the Azerbaijan Republic, Zakatala-Balakan District", representatives of GOPA Consultants, which was announced as the winner of the tender process held in Germany in November 2019, and with the participation of international experts, discussions were held at the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources, an agreement was signed in April 2020, and an active phase began. The project implementation is planned to start in July of the current year. The first phase of the project includes the distribution of project components, assessment of the region's territory, visits to the region, selection of experts for the project period, and the development of a work schedule. The creation of a biosphere reserve will create conditions for preserving biological diversity alongside the socio-economic development of the regions of our country, increasing the social well-being of the local population, increasing employment, and stimulating eco-tourism.
In addition, for the first time in Azerbaijan, corresponding activities are being carried out to create a new type of protected natural areas - geological parks.
In connection with this, amendments were made to the Law "On Specially Protected Natural Areas and Objects" of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
In order to include the Girkan National Park, famous for its rich relic and endemic species of natural forests of the Southern Caucasus, in the UNESCO World Heritage List, preparations continue.
National parks are territories where particularly valuable from the ecological, historical, aesthetic, and other aspects natural complexes are located, used for nature conservation, education, scientific, cultural, and other purposes, possessing the status of a scientific institution or organization protecting nature.
The initiative to create national parks in the Republic of Azerbaijan was proposed by Heydar Aliyev. The first national parks in our country were created in 2003. In subsequent years, this practice continued. Currently, Azerbaijan has 10 national parks, occupying 4.87% of the country's territory.