Special Installations for Avian Protection on Power Lines

Special covers are being put on the power poles to prevent birds from being injured and destructed, as well as to maintain the reliability of electric power networks.

As the first step of the project run by IDEA, along with “Azərenerji” and Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources, the cone shaped covers will be installed in areas with highest bird fatality rates, on the lines passing through Goranboy, Yevlakh, Barda, Agjabadi, Salyan, Masalli and Ujar districts. Installation of these devices is expected to be conducted across the whole country.

It should be noted that along with the loss of natural habitat, illegal hunting and poisoning,  electrocution on power lines is among the main causes for the extinction of birds. When birds fly or land on these dangerous poles, they often get electrocuted by contacting with the lines.

In Azerbaijan, electrocution accidents involving birds and power lines are mainly observed in the 110-330 kV power transmission lines during the seasonal migration of birds in the open areas lacking trees. Unfortunately, electric shocks often occur among the large birds, including raptor birds listed in the Red Book of Azerbaijan.

Seen from far away, the strikingly bright color and shape of these covers will prevent birds from nesting on the poles, thus protecting both birds and the power lines.