IDEA Campaign Announces Essay Competition Send Your Message to Rio+20


One of the directions of the ecological campaign is mobilizing Azerbaijani youth to the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, known as RIO+20 Summit and bring them together to think about the future of our planet, natural resources of which are being over consumed and have the danger of disappearing.

The main purpose for conducting the essay competition is to find out the vision of young people on the ongoing process in terms of the solution of the current global ecological problems before of the RIO+20 summit and deliver the approach of the future generations on the existing problems to the international community.

Three main fields of environmental issues, being discussed at the modern world’s influential political circles the most, have been chosen as the topics for the essay competition:
1. The role of the international environmental agreements and contracts in the solution of global ecological problems;
2. Problems impeding the sustainable development;
3. The significance of transition to the green economy for the future generations.

Only bachelor and master students currently studying in Azerbaijan are eligible to take part in the competition. Essays should have maximum 2000 words and written in Times New Roman shrift, size 14, either in Azerbaijani or English. Essays should be sent to [email protected] and the submission deadline is March 15th, 2012.

The best 3 essays chosen by the jury will be awarded with:
• 1st place – iPad
• 2nd place –Camera
• 3rd place – Netbook

Should you have any questions do not hesitate to contact [email protected]